00 05/11/2007 17:06
"Religious Confusion

Instead of offering satisfying answers, religious leaders often contribute to the confusion. Let us focus on just three of their common responses.

First, many religious leaders preach that God sends disasters in order to punish wayward humans. For instance, in the United States, after New Orleans, Louisiana, was devastated by Hurricane Katrina, some ministers claimed that God had punished the city. They pointed to the prevalence of corruption, gambling, and immorality. Some even cited the Bible as evidence, noting occasions when God destroyed the wicked by flood or by fire. Such claims, however, misrepresent the Bible.—See the box “Acts of God?”

I found in the web/wts this words and near ther'is one picture of the
Priest , why ??
The object of this Paragraph are "why there aren't answers for